The Fifth MAG Symposium is organized with a goal to familiarize the members of the Association and the general expert and scientific public in the country and the region with the most recent findings in the field of geotechnics, as well as to exchange knowledge and experiences gained through the application of field, empirical, theoretical, experimental, numerical and combined methods in solving problems in this area. This symposium would also serve as an opportunity for making closer connections between local, regional and international experts. To this end, MAG has already obtained several eminent lecturers and guests from ISRM as prof. Reşat Ulusay (Turkey) – President of the ISRM, Dr. Marc Ballouz (USA/Lebanon) – President of ISSMGE, the doyen Nick Barton (England/Norway), prof. Anna Maria Ferrero (Italy) – former secretary of the Eurocode 7 Implementation Group in rock engineering, prof. emeritus Heinz Brandl (Austria) – holder of Medal of Merits for Macedonia, the prominent professor Boris Jeremic (USA/Serbia), prof. Milorad Jovanovski – national expert on rock mechanics, Eda Freitas de Quadros – past president of ISRM, etc.
The Symposium is postponed and will take place in the period 23-25.06.2022, at the Metropol Hotel in Ohrid.

HONORARY BOARD Reşat Ulusay – president of ISRM, Vojkan Jovičić – vice president of ISRM, Lyesse Laloui – vice president of ISSMGE for Europe, Ivan Vrkljan – former vice president of ISRM, Heinz Brandl – former vice president of ISSMGE, Ahmet Sağlamer – honorary member of MAG, Radomir Folić – honorary member of MAG, Husamedin Dželadin – deserving member of MAG, Zlatko Srbinoski – Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vlatko Šešov – IZIIS, Andrea Serafimovski – GRANIT, Zlatan Đurić – STRABAG
SCIENTIFIC BOARD Slobodan Ćorić – president, Nenad Šušić, Mira Vukićević, Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Bonić (Serbia); Spasen Gjorgjevski, Ljupčo Petkovski, Josif Josifovski, Igor Peševski, Violeta Mirčevska, Kemal Edip, Julijana Bojadžieva, Jovan Br. Papić, Zlatko Ilijoski, Aco Velevski (Macedonia); Mato Uljarević, Azra Špago, Sabid Zekan (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Igor Sokolić, Leo Matešić, Predrag Miščević, Krunoslav Minažek (Croatia); Mojca Ravnikar Turk, Janko Logar, Matej Maček (Slovenia); Slobodan Živaljević (Montenegro); Andrej Tocev (Bulgaria); Dietmar Adam, Wulf Schubert (Austria); Luljeta Bozo (Albania); Norikazu Shimizu (Japan); Miško Čubrinovski (New Zealand); Ernest Olinic (Romania); Ӧzer Ҫinicioğlu (Turkey); Slobodan Mickovski (Scotland)
ORGANIZING BOARD Jovan Br. Papić, Dragan Dimitrievski, Igor Peševski, Milorad Jovanovski, Josif Josifovski, Bojan Susinov, Kemal Edip, Boris Bogoevski, Bojan Janevski, Elena Angelova, Vase Vitanov, Stojanče Nikolov, Stevčo Mitovski, Zlatko Zafirovski, Kiril Lazarov, Darko Nakov
The main topic of the Symposium will be “The problems associated with soft rocks in rock engineering”, which will include papers prepared in the following areas: 1. Geotechnical aspects in urban areas and infrastructure (dams, roads, railways, tunnels, underground structures, mines, nuclear power plants, etc.) 2. Laboratory and field geotechnical testing and investigation (ISO CEN, laboratory tests, in-situ investigation and testing – CPT, dilatometers, geophysical…) 3. Geotechnical modeling of soils and rocks (numerical, physical, GIS, BIM, remote detection) 4. Assessment and reduction of geo-hazards (terrain instabilities, retaining structures, improvement methods, etc.) 5. Eurocodes and relevant geotechnical regulation (technical regulation, challenges to the implementation of Eurocodes 7 and 8, national annexes) 6. Earthquake geotechnical engineering (influence of local conditions, seismic zoning of the terrain, liquefaction, lessons learned after recent earthquakes) 7. Geotechnics and achievements in support of a sustainable society (environmental protection, education, historical buildings…) 8. Specific problems in soft rocks.
PREPARATION OF PAPERS (download paper template)
The Symposium will issue Proceedings of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee. Papers may be written in any of the South Slavic languages or in the English language, not exceeding eight (8) pages. Authors of accepted abstracts will be provided with instructions for the technical preparation of papers. Although the completed papers will be reviewed and accepted by the Scientific Committee, the authors themselves are individually responsible for the contents, presented results, quality of the technical preparation and linguistic editing of the text. Authors presenting their works in oral form will have to prepare the presentation (PowerPoint or the like) in the English language, while the language of the presentation will be chosen by the author.
Interested participants can use the following dates:
- Submission of Papers 29.4.2022
- Notification for paper’s acceptance or correction 10.5.2022
- Submission of Corrected papers 25.5.2022
Registration fee
- Regular (until
30.04.202209.05.2022) 100 [€] - Late/On-site (after
01.05.202210.05.2022) 125 [€] - Students at I and II cycle 25 [€]
- Students at III cycle 50 [€]
Participation fee includes participation in the event, symposium materials, cocktail, coffee breaks and a dinner party. For participants from abroad, payment is made through the NLB Bank AD Skopje, Swift Code TUTN MK 22, IBAN MK07210300000229852 (deposit to: “Macedonian Association for Geotechnics”, purpose of deposit: “For the Fifth Symposium”). Payments can also be made on the MAG website – Abstracts and papers should be submitted to Authors will receive a reply on their competence within two weeks. In addition, participants will also be offered to visit cultural and historic monuments in the city with the surrounding area, sail the Ohrid Lake, field trip and enjoy various activities depending on their own preferences and preferences of the associate members and guests.
Please download Reservation form, and send filled to the selected hotel
For more ACCOMMODATION and MARKETING ACTIVITIES please download the Symposium Flyer:
Link to Second announcement: English, Macedonian or Serbian

CORRESPONDENCE In a case of any technical or organizational matters regarding the Symposium, participants can obtain information from:
phone no.: +389 2 3116 066 / ext.157 & 239
fax: +389 2 3 11 88 34
Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje, Blvd. Partizanski Odredi No. 24, 1000 Skopje

Sinohydro Corporation Limited Beijing – Branch Office Skopje

Комора на овластени архитекти и овластени инженери / Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers