Macedonian Committee on Large

Aims of the Conference

The tailings dams are hydraulic structures, that during the design, construction and service period, including and also in recultivation stage in the post-service period, their multidisciplinary character comes to full expression. The multidisciplinary of the tailings dams points to the fact that only by joint equal participation of experts in hydraulics, mining, geotechnics and environment, a correct and harmonious
solution can be obtained for these complex engineering structures. The complexity of tailings arises from the following two factors. First, the tailings are composed of a number of structures: initial dam, sand dam, waste lagoon, pulpline, drainage system, water conveyors for outflow of cleared water and external water protection structures (average flow and flood), which require assessment of several types of safety:
structural (static and dynamic), seepage, hydrological, hydraulic, technological and environmental. And secondly, due to the large volume of the waste lagoon, tailings dams are embankment structures with the highest potential hazard for the environment. Namely, in case of eventual collapse of the sand dam and rapid emptying of the sediment lake, there is danger of human casualties and enormous material damage, as well as permanent degradation of the environment in the downstream river valley.

The second conference on tailings dams, organized by MACOLD is a continuation of the activities of our association in the past period. The main goal of the Conference is to present the experience of MACOLD members and all those involved in Dam and Tailings Dam Engineering in our country and in the region, gained during research, design, construction and maintenance and recultivation of tailings and tailings dams with appurtenant structures. At the same time, at the Conference, the participants will be given the opportunity to discuss various aspects of the proposed topics, adopted in MACOLD Chairmanship meetings

General information about the Conference

The working part of the Conference will take place on 7.10.2022 in hotel Oaza, Shtip, and on 8.10.2022 (Saturday) a study tour of tailing dam and appurtenant structures is planned. The registration fee for the Conference is 1500 denars (or 25 €) and it includes participation in the Conference, Conference
proceedings, cocktails and refreshments at coffee breaks. Besides MACOLD’s members and National Committees on Dams from the region, all involved in the field of Dam and Tailings Engineering, employees in state and scientific institutions, water power, water economy and communal enterprises,
as well as employees in civil engineering companies will be invited to participate on the Conference.
The participants will receive a Certificate on continuous professional development, issued by the Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers of Republic of Macedonia, valued at 3 CPD points. Official languages at the Conference are Macedonian and English.

Conference topics

The Conference papers, unpublished previously, should consider the following topics:

  • Topic no.1. Investigation and designing of tailings dams from geological, engineering, technological and environmental aspect
  • Topic no. 2. Experience from tailings dam operation and construction of tailings dams with appurtenant structures
  • Topic no. 3. Maintenance, technical monitoring, restoration of tailings dams in operation
  • The Conference papers, unpublished previously, should consider the following topics:
  • Topic no. 4. Remediation and recultivation of tailings dams in post-service period
  • Topic no. 5. Regulative for tailings dams

Submission of papers

Interested authors should submit the title and summary of the paper in Macedonian or English in electronic form (Word DOC format) to the following e-mail:

Important dates

31.6.2022 Summary submission
15.7.2022 Information on summary acceptance and guidelines on paper preparation
31.8.2022 Full paper submission
15.9.2022 Final announcement with Conference program
7.10.2022 Workday of the Conference
8.10.2022 Study tour on tailing dam Sasa, Makedonska Kamenica

For more information: