The recent period has posed a severe challenge that prompted certain adjustments to part of the planned work activities. Although the epidemic did not significantly affect the outdoor activities, the indoor activities went through major transformations, including the Fifth Symposium of the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics (MAG). Therefore, this event will be held from 23 to 25 June 2022. (Instead of the previously planned 2020/21). It is supported by the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM), and will also be the Second Conference of Regional Geotechnical Societies, as a continuation of constructive cooperation with similar associations from neighbouring countries.

The Fifth MAG Symposium is organized with a goal to familiarize the members of the Association and the general expert and scientific public in the country and the region with the most recent findings in the field of geotechnics, as well to share experiences gained by the application of laboratory, field, empirical, theoretical, experimental, numerical and combined methods in solving problems in this field. This symposium would also serve as an opportunity for making closer connections between the local and international experts. For that purpose, the Symposium will host the following lecturers and guests: Prof. Reşat Ulusay (Turkey) – President of ISRM, the doyen Nick Barton (England/Norway), Prof. Anna Maria Ferrero (Italy) – former secretary of the EC 7 Implementation Group in rock engineering, Heinz Brandl (Austria) (decorated with the Medal of Merit for Macedonia), prominent Prof. Boris Jeremić (USA/Serbia), Prof. Milorad Jovanovski – Macedonian expert in rock engineering, Eda Freitas de Quadros (Brazil) – former president of ISRM, etc.
One of the goals is achieved having in mind that the co-authors of the papers received so far come from about 20 countries in Europe, Asia and North America. The organizers would like to show sincere appreciation to all of them, but also to encourage other colleagues to prepare excerpts from their findings and activities related to the main topic of the Symposium: “Engineering problems in soft rocks” – about those and related geological materials, in one of the following areas:
- Geotechnical aspects in urban areas and infrastructure (foundation engineering, dams, roads, railways, tunnels, underground structures, mines, nuclear power plants, etc.)
- Laboratory and field geotechnical testing and investigation (ISO CEN, laboratory tests, in-situ investigation and testing – CPT, dilatometers, geophysical…)
- Geotechnical modelling of soils and rocks (numerical, physical, GIS, BIM, remote detection)
- Assessment and reduction of geo-hazards (terrain instabilities, retaining structures, improvement methods…)
- Eurocodes and relevant geotechnical regulation (technical regulation, challenges to the implementation of Eurocodes 7 and 8, national annexes)
- Earthquake geotechnical engineering (influence of local conditions, seismic zoning of the terrain, liquefaction, lessons learned after recent earthquakes)
- Geotechnics and achievements in support of a sustainable society (environmental protection, education, historical buildings, directions in development…)
- Specific problems in soft rocks
The Symposium will issue Proceedings of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee. Papers may be written in any of the South Slavic languages or in English language. Instructions on technical preparation of papers are available at
Papers should be submitted to Although the final versions will be reviewed and accepted by the Scientific Committee, authors are still personally responsible for the content, the presented results, the quality of technical preparation and the linguistic editing of the text.
Authors presenting their works in oral form will have to prepare the presentation (Power Point or the like) in English language, while the language of presentation will be chosen by the author. Templates will be provided both for designing of presentations and banners.
For more information check the official Simposium link !